On March 1st, I decided to search online for Merida activities. One that I would not be able to duplicate elsewhere was a BULL FIGHT! Of course, I had mixed feelings about it, being a 30+ year vegetarian and all, but upon further research, I found out where the bull fights were held and discovered that there is a Bull Fighting day! So I diligently continued my search... only to discover that the Big Day had been Feb 29th, the night before! In fact, that Leap Day evening I had heard the sounds of some major event, like a big soccer match, that took me into the streets to see where the sounds were coming from, only to discover that it was only radio, turned up loud, that I was seeking, and not a true event in the neighborhood. In retrospect, I am guessing that it was the Bull Fight in the Plaza de Toros, which my peaceful Spirit had set up so I wouldn't have to behold the gore of a bloodied and murdered bull to torment my soul for days...
12 seconds of the ART of Bull fighting, no gore
So I felt disappointment for having come so close, and relief for not having been part of the killing spree. My Spirit Guides had no doubt set it up for me that way, to insure my near-miss with a Bull Fight!
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